Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Because I want to be like Rachel... part 2

I love Mindy Kaling, Rachel doesn't own the rights to loving MK :)


P.S. Not bashing Rachel, just happened to see an Amy Poehler picture collage AND a post by Mindy in the same week that she found a different Amy Poehler collage and a different post by Mindy Kaling and then blogged them.

Because I want to be like Rachel...

The many UCB faces of Amy Poehler...

If you have never watched UCB with Amy then you are missing out BIG time... if you live close enough to me I might lend you my season 1 dvds.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Bob Loblaw's Law Blog

I really wish I was using my free time to find some new music, but the last time I went hunting I couldn't find a thing!  Now I am convinced the music I like has become extinct, just like giggle noodle (if you don't know what that is, then I might have to stop liking you).
In other news, because the internet is taking over the world, I have to wait for items to be shipped before I continue my arts and crafts project for the summer.

I have started another fun crafty thing, but it is for someone's birthday so I can't go into too many details :)  After said gift is given, I will post some pictures.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


My craft project has taken a turn because my parents have cut down a huge maple tree and I have been helping with the clean up.  Today I moved an entire tree stump... sure it was in smaller more manageable pieces, but I still moved it, so its a pretty big deal :)  Since my last post a lot has happened in the world of pop culture, and ITS ALL CONNECTED!!!!  First: Zooey Deschanel's website (along with friends) HelloGiggles  started the most amazing trend in the world: VChat karaoke... I think this is such a great idea, and if I was friends with Zooey D I'd make her sing all the time so it just all makes perfect sense.  Second, Parks & Recreation was nominated for an Emmy.  Guys, I cannot explain how amazing that is, because this show is soooo funny.  It started off slow and the first season was really a bust but everything they have put out since is comedy gold.  I'm saying right here right now that I'd let the tv world cancel Community, Modern Family AND The Office if it would let that show be on the air for the next 10 years.  One of my least favorite characters on P&R (now one of my favorite) is played by Ben Schwartz, who happened to do a karaoke video WITH ZOOEY... BOOM.  This is the cutest thing in the world, and I have listened to it waaay too much.

Even when I wasn't a big fan of Jean-Ralphio (Character played by Schwartz) I still loooooved this scene:

Now that those videos are out of my system and out into the blogosphere, my next post will be all about the Women's World Cup and how amazing it has been this year.

Love love love.  Peace.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

decisions decisions

 Figured it out yet?  Read this posting first?  Whatevs.  Since my last posting, I have decided to also do a lamp because the one in the photo is amazing.  I have also found out that there is lead strips that mimic the soldering of stained glass, so it will look legitimate!  (Note to all readers: I will NEVER say legit... I am not 14 or McHammer).
Since I decided to make the lamp as well, it was really easy to pick the colors/texture/transparency for the other yet to be named project because I want to keep the more opaque samples for the lamp.  So here are the colors for the other project, these are somewhat blurry, not completely transparent.

This is the pattern that the above colors will follow (I only had these colors for paper, obviously green and yellow will replace one of the blues and the purple).
These two photos are to show you the difference between the transparency of each type of film.  You can see that the first one would be way better for a project that is backlit.  I mad the last photo larger so you can see its not completely transparent - it has a blurry look to it.

So like I mentioned, super excited... I suppose the idea that the fun part was free doesn't hurt.  Also, I like making things, but often I am not talented enough to do so - this project seems to be right in my wheelhouse.

Craft project: Introduction (aka CHK CHK CHK)

So to start off this week's craft project, I will indicate where I got the (free) materials!  http://www.decorativefilm.com/index.asp

Last time I was in home depot there was a section dedicated to decorative window films - essentially providing the look of stained glass without breaking the bank (and without having the issues of stained glass windows: difficult to clean, usually not double paned, etc).  I thought what a great idea, but I have no windows.  So, I left with the knowledge of the product's existence but no real application for myself.  The other day, I happened to think of it and googled to see if there were other designs (the other downfall- I didn't really care for any of the images they had in stock).  I found the site that is linked above and saw that they will send free samples!!!  The samples are roughly 7" by 5" but there is a sticker indicating the shade/style which ruins a small portion of that rectangle.  KEY POINT: their website says to limit it to 5, but if you go back and order again, you can do another 5 and so on.  Faulty for them, awesome for us!  I am still on the fence as to which colors, designs and transparencies to use, though I have 9 to choose from (the teacher in my couldn't resist ordering the dry erase sample, but I will not be using that for the project).  I have decided that I will use 4 total... so for you mathies out there, that is 9 C 4 (9 combination 4) = 126 different combinations!!!!!! More details to come as the project evolves!!!  Over use of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any ideas on what I could be doing?  Does it help if I remind you that I am not crafty OR creative?  So probably not this:

But this is reasonable:

Also, you guys should totally do this too, OK so maybe we'd run this company out of business by getting one too many samples, but remember I mentioned that this is on a small scale as a test for something I'd like to do in the future on a much larger scale, so I'd totally pay them back for their love.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Best slideshow ever...

"32 pictures you need to see before the world ends"

In case you need a taste:
10. A pig wearing green boots

19. A cat eating pizza

Thursday, June 16, 2011


God I miss this show.

via (whiskeysoaked)

via (kingocrayons)

Butterflies: Nature's Assholes.

Anna's adventures in computerland

My goal today was to finish up some job applications and clean- the problem being that the applications are online, so once I finished those I was left with "free" time (that is of course assuming that cleaning is something one can opt of out) and I was sitting next to a computer. Then instantly, like a lightening bolt, a song was in my head. I could clean, sure, but I have to hear this song first... ever had days like that? Well of course, instead of pulling out my external hard drive, I went for youtube. Listened to the song and was fully prepared to walk away, until they suggested another video.... and so on.  This video started out with a funny or die feel to it and obviously it's not actually Amy Winehouse, but then once you get into the video, you actually learn how to style your hair into a beehive. TOILET PAPER... who know?

Further down the rabbit hole I went and eventually stumbled upon a cover that I thought was amazing.  The video, however, is a bit distracting - my concern over her 80's style t-shirt and its migration south transferred to her birthmark?  Bruise?  Zombie bite?!?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I found life in the dark...

Press play to hear the song, also, you will need to wait 5 seconds to load the song!

Bear Bones - Diving Bell

Full song:

I realize the video is a little odd. You might ask yourself why the guy who looks a bit like Aaron Rodgers is allowing that bear to dance up on him. He is the lead singer you are hearing, and also they are Scottish, so that can explain most of the weirdness.

This a blog where I will post little snippets of songs that are either in my head, or I feel like they stand out from the entire song (the best of the good).  If we have similar taste in music you will probably enjoy this and hopefully even find some new bands to listen to.
For some back story on this post's song, let me start by saying Chuck, the tv show, has amazing music.  One week there was a song on an episode by Admiral Fallow, a Scottish band with a really cute sound.  I loved the song immediately and started to follow the band on twitter.  Then weeks later, I see that I have a follower request from another band.  After hearing one song, I knew that they were grabbing Admiral Fallow followers and I was happy they were.  I love this band.  They only play in Scotland right now, which is a bummer, but I remember listening to Daphne Loves Derby when they only played in Washington (state) and I eventually saw them play in Rochester.

The clip above is the end of the song, I believe about 3 min in - the entire song is great but there is an intimacy about this last min or so that grabs me every time.  Even while writing this I've listened to it on repeat and see no end in future.  I'll also include an Admiral Fallow song, in case you are really enjoying the sound.